Thursday, June 4, 2009

32 . . . and a little blue . . .

So today is my birthday and it has now been one year since my father passed away. He's been on my mind since I woke up this morning. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit to crying a little bit. It's been on and off. I miss him. I miss him something awful. I have stop to ask myself, "Will it always be like this? Will each birthday be a mixture of melancholy and merriment? Will I keep counting the years until it's my time?" I hope not.


AK said...

I understand, but chin up, kiddo. Birthdays are for celebratin' and I'm sure your father would agree.

AfroBurrito said...

You are right. I guess that's why you're a superstar legal whiz and shit.

All in all . . . it was an ok birthday. Ok.

AK said...

"And shit" is right! ;) I'm glad it was "ok," at the very least.

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